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University Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
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Dean: Anatol Cotorcea,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Merited Coach of the Republic of Moldova.
Vice-dean: Mariana Gîdei,
lecturer, PhD candidate
Methodist: Nina Danila,
Tel.: (+373) 022 31 05 83, 022 49 77 10
E-mail: facultateaffr@gmail.com

Invitație seminar 13.12.2016

Raport privind asigurarea standardelor de calitate în
elaborarea tezelor de licență
la Facultatea Învățămînt cu Frecvență Redusă

The Department of Part-time Education began its activity in 1991, at the same time with the foundation of the National Institute of Physical Education and Sport, at present the State University of Physical Education and Sport (2006). Being an important part of the State University of Physical Education and Sport, it contributes essentially to young specialists forming both in the domain of physical education and sports and in the activity of protection, guard and security. In this period the department has improved systemati-cally the students training mechanisms in conformity with the up-to-dates requirements of the specialized higher education.
At present about 1000 students, graduates of lyceums, secondary schools and higher education institutions study at the department.
The students of Part-time Education Department study in the following domains of professional training and specialities:
Domain: Science of education
Speciality:Physical Education/Psychopedagogy
Domain: Physical Culture and Sport
Speciality: Physical Education and sport (coach in one sport event);
Recreational physical culture (fitness and tourism).
Domain: Protection, Guard and Security
Speciality: Civil Security and Public Order.
The educational process is performed according to the Education Code, the university curricula and current trends of education reform of the Republic of Moldova.
During 24 years of its activity, over 3000 students graduated from this Department, most of them defended the Licence Diplomas in accordance with the Bologna Process.
Nowadays, the graduates of the Department of Part-time Education are working successfully in educational realm, coaching, recreation and rehabilitation, contributing substantially to the prosperity of physical education, sport for all and of high performance one. The department is proud of its students and graduates: Tudor Casapu, Olympic Champion; Marcel Trudov, Judo European Champion; Veaceslav Gojan, bronze medalist of Olympic Games; Vasile Triboi, PhD in Pedagogy, university associate professor, the Dean of the Department of Sport; Petru Demcenco, pro-rector for academic development and the quality of studies of SUPES; as well as current students-high performance sportsmen, members of national teams: Maxim Dubarenco (lawn tennis); Dmitrii Galagot (boxing); Veniamin Dubrovin (table tennis); Artiom Pripa (weightlifting); Dumitru Bahov (volleyball).
The efficiency of the department activity is due to the exceptional managerial capabilities of those who worked, in the course of time, as Dean of this Department: Efim Filipenco, Panfil Sava, Andrei Rotaru, Sergiu Busuioc, Anatol Cotorcea - the current dean, and thanks to the methodist, Nina Danila, whose experience is a model of high professionalism and devotion.
The strategic objective of the department is the implementation of a new form of education - distance learning.
This type of education is a form of education that is for all those who want a flexible schedule to continue the university courses. Distance learning provides the opportunity to complete the highest quality licence programmes without additional costs connected with the educational activities in another locality than that of the residence.
The Part-time Department Council constantly improves the educational process in conformity with the Strategy institutional development of SUPES (2015-2020), by means of development and implementation of regulatory acts on the innovative technologies in accordance with the European standards.